Acadia Blog

Beat the Post-Holiday Blahs

Written by Alan Beck | January 5, 2015

Welcome to 2015! The excitement of a new year brings with it thoughts of new beginnings and new challenges. One of the challenges I find myself facing each new year is getting past the post-holiday blahs.

You know what I mean. Between Thanksgiving and the New Year, many of us enjoy spirit-lifting togetherness with friends and family. This good cheer typically extends to the workplace as well, and we all want the feeling to go on forever.

But suddenly it's January 2. You are left with the stark reality of the long winter that lays before you. Your motivation can really take a nose dive! To remedy this, I did some digging around for ways to combat the post-holiday blahs. Here are my favorite suggestions:

  1. Make a to-do list. Write down everything you need to accomplish! Use this to view your progress and enjoy checking off your completed tasks!
  2. Plan short breaks. Take short mental breaks during your day. These 5-10 minute, scheduled interruptions can help you stay focused and increase your productivity.
  3. Get some rest. You might assume that after a restful holiday break, you'll start the new year refreshed and focused. The truth is you are probably exhausted from travel, events, shopping, etc. Exhaustion makes it very difficult to stay focused and motivated. Rest should be a top priority following a long break.
  4. Get difficult tasks or objectives out of the way early. If they are left to weigh on your mind or cause you stress, they can derail your ability to work effectively.
  5. Get the ball rolling. If you don’t have any hot priorities, start off the new year by doing something  easy or that you enjoy (like blog writing!). Once you get started, you feel more motivated. Plan another easy task, and then another, until you’re at full steam.

I hope at least one or two of these suggestions help you get on your way to a great 2015! How do you dive into the new year?